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“As For Me and My House”

May 18th, 2008

The following outline includes material that brother David Young
Presented May 14, 2008 at the Cape Girardeau Church of Christ.

“But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”

(Joshua 24:15)

Joshua’s final words to the Lord’s people after the Exodus out of Egypt and Settlement in the Promised Land, were meant to pass on the torch of faith to future generations (Josh. 24:14-15).

I. Choices Do Exist (Joshua 24)

A. “the Lord” (24:14,15)
B. “gods that your fathers served beyond the River” (24:14)
C. “gods that your fathers served in Egypt” (24:14)
D. “gods of the Amorites” (24:15)

II. The Promised Land and the tendency toward Generational Degeneration (Judges 2)

A. Joshua dies (2:6-9)
B. Joshua’s generation dies (2:10a)
C. The next generation (2:10b-15)
D. Examples of Torch Passers:

1. 1st generation – A Strong hard back chair (faith fighters)
2. 2nd generation – A LA-Z-BOY recliner (faith feigners)
3. 3rd generation – A floppy lattice chair (faith-less)

Conclusion:   Have we taken care to pass on the torch of faith? Will Joshua 24:15 reflect your own commitment from this day forward? Are you first chair or second? The choice is yours.

Categories: Bible, commitment, Joshua, Old Testament Tags: