“Why Bible Study?â€
The Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and the Lion
(Adapted from The Wizard of Oz by Robert M. Housby)
Dorothy and Toto were enroute to the Emerald City. In order to make the journey, though, they had to leave Kansas. Along the way, Dorothy met a Scarecrow: ” I’m going to see the Wizard of Oz,” she said. ” I don’t know Oz,” said the Scarecrow. ” In fact, I don’t know anything, because I haven’ t any brains!” Dorothy sighed. And, as they journeyed, another poor fellow emerged, called, the Tin Man. Now, the Tin Man wondered whether the Wizard might possibly give him a heart. They had not traveled much farther before a huge lion bounded out of the woods. When he turned, as if to pounce on Toto, Dorothy shouted: “Don’ t you dare hurt that dog you big coward.” It was then that the lion began to cry, ” I am a coward,” he said. “How can I be the King of beasts without courage?” Then the lion apologized for his rude behavior, and joined the others on the yellow brick road.
In The Wizard of Oz, there is an honest assessment made of what these travelers needed. Dorothy longed for home; Scarecrow for brains; Tin Man for heart; and, the Cowardice Lion for courage. How interesting that Jesus, himself, made mind, heart, and will essential to loving God (Matthew 22:37). The strange thing about “Bible Study” is that it is not really about Bible Study; it is about getting the Christian mind, the Christian heart, and the Christian will. The Lord knows that we need to become more intimate with Him (John 17:3). So, what is it that you should, yourself, be seeking? Honestly, isn’t there something in all of us like the travelers on the yellow brick road?
It is written in the Psalms: ” The works of the Lord are great, Studied by all who have pleasure in them” (Ps. 111:2, NKJV). May the works of the Lord (from the Creation to Calvary) bring you to studiously apply yourself today!