Only in Milan!
There is an Italian proverb by Marco D’Oggione which says, “A man should learn to sail in all winds.” As Marla and I walked through the Magenta neighborhood recently (likely that of Leonardo’ da Vinci), we felt the cool autumn winds and saw the bluest sky. But, the winds of this autumn are not limited to the skies of Lombardy.

Piero e Eveline
Let me explain. Last Sunday night, we had a couple from Zurich, Switzerland over to our apartment for a late supper (la cena). They were originally from the lake region of northern Italy. He was Italian, she was of German descent. If you notice the photo, our new friend looks like the actor George Clooney!   A Milanese stopped him to ask if he was Clooney; he said, “No, I’m his brother.”

Giovani e Lucia
On the evening prior, we had an Italian couple in our home, Giovanni, an attorney in Milan, and his wife, Lucia.
Then, again, last night, I taught two young women from Ethiopia at the office (And, yes, I used Acts 8 to finalize my thoughts; thrilling indeed! ).  Prior to that meeting, I had spent almost an hour answering a question posed by a man from Sri Lanka. Tomorrow, I will be teaching a young married woman named Vanessa, from Peru, South America. In the morning, I will have met with a student from Ecuador.
The Italian language and culture has brought all of these people together from the four winds of Earth. This is a situation not dissimilar from that of Acts 2 and Isaiah 2 (“and many people shall come…that he may teach us his ways”).
Marla and I feel that we were placed in Milan for this special moment in history. The breezes of these times are like currents in history. The apostle Paul believed and taught in Ephesians 1 that the winds of history serve to connect and affirm that God has entered history through Christ, and that history itself is not static, but dynamic for those who participate by faith. We will close with a piece from Dante Alighieri: “Remember tonight, for it is the beginning of always.”