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Blessedness of the Ordinary

June 1st, 2008

“Seeing the crowds he went up on the mountain…”

                                                                                                (Mathew 5:1)

Introduction:  We will be emphasizing the blessedness of the ordinary in Matthew 5.  There is a wonderful tension in Matthew 5 which exposes the ordinary with the extraordinary.

I.                   5:1-2      __________________________


II.                5:3-12      __________________________


III.             5:13-20      __________________________


IV.              5:21-48      __________________________


  Conclusion:    The Lord longs to confer blessings.  He is the God who blesses.  But, only those who are seekers will appreciate what he has done; what he is doing; and, what he shall do hereafter.  Are you one of his today?

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