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Messiah of the Quarry

July 15th, 2007

(Deep Vertical Cuts)

“When the house was built, it was with stone prepared at the quarry”

(1 Kings 6:7)

Introduction: A quarry is an open excavation from which stone is cut, usually for building purposes (John 2:18-22). Jesus, the Christ, is known in Scripture as, the stone. This sermon will emphasize the Messiah of the Quarry.

I. Why a Stone?

A. _________________________________

B. __________________________________

II. 4 Ideas Behind the Stone –

(1) ___________________

(2) ___________________

(3) ___________________

(4) ___________________

III. The Romans 9:32-33 Principle of ______________.

Conclusion: The Messiah of the Quarry is a highly theological message: heard by many, practiced by comparatively few (Mk. 8:27,29).

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