The Appian Way and Paul’s Reason for Living
February 5th, 2009
“For to me to live is Christ…”
(raison vivri)
(Phil. 1:21)
Introduction: In Acts 28:14, Paul’s traveling companion, Luke, reports, “And so we came to Rome.” In those four words, we are exposed to the last lap of Paul’s long and arduous journey. In this story, we have a window into Paul’s reason for living.
Reason 1 (Acts 28:17-19): ____________________________
Reason 2 (Acts 28:20): _______________________________
Reason 3 (Acts 28:23-24,30-31): _______________________
Conclusion: Paul’s reason for living is well expressed in Galatians 2:20. Do you have a reason for living?
Categories: Outlines