January Attic Adventure
Some of you are aware of our former lovely home in Cape Girardeau. How it sat stately on the corner nestled in the Woodland Hills Subdivision. We had several Redbuds and Dogwood in the backyard and the fragrant Salsa Magnolia in the front yard. Well, this beautiful home sold December 1, 2009. We are at once grateful that it did sell. And, we will always remember the excellent times that we had there.
In the photograph you may see our new living quarters. Yes, it is an attic bedroom! This, too, is a part of the March to Milan. To be missionaries sometimes means that you relenquish all of the most darling things to gain the most daring of things. In this case, it is the return to Milan. Incidently, attics can be cool; especially January in Des Moines, Iowa; cool, as in Fahrenheit.
Please notice, also, some recent photographs of winter around Windsor Heights, Iowa. And, yes, the icicles are real. Some people purchase such
icicles at Wal-Mart; ours’ were heaven sent.