
Archive for the ‘Matthew’ Category

“What About Religious Titles?”

September 5th, 2004

“…And call no man your father on the earth: for
one is your Father, even he who is in heaven”

(Matthew 23:9-11)


The apostle Paul said, “…And whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him” (Colossians 3:17). The expression, “in the name of the Lord Jesus,” is equivalent to Jesus’ personal authorization, approval, and acceptance of that which is done in his name (Compare Matt. 18:5,20). When it comes to evaluating the practice of religious titles, such as: “Father,” “Reverend,” “Cardinal,” “Pope,” etc., two important questions deserve answers:

1. Are “Religious Titles” Authorized in Scripture? No. Anyone who answers in the affirmative will be hard pressed to produce any such authorization. That is why you never read in the Bible of: “Father John,” or “The Reverend Paul,” etc. The only references coming close to this notion of religious titles appear in the humble sense of “servant,” “brethren,” etc. And, of course, the original apostles and prophets appear within the context of their first-century roles–fulfilled and final (Eph. 2:10; Acts 1:21,22; Rev. 21:14; 2:2; 18:20).

2. Are “Religious Titles” Ever Discouraged in Scripture? Yes. Jesus spoke ever so plainly against religious leaders who broke the servant model of church leadership (Matthew 23:8-12). The Bible lifts up the Fatherhood of God (2 Corinthians 6:18); while condemning any religious rivals (Exodus 34:14). The Bible uses the term “reverend” only once (Psalm 111:9), and
that in reference to God himself. In the light of such evidence, who can legitimately, scripturally, and morally continue to call human beings with titles reserved for God himself? “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Joshua 24:15; Matt. 12:36,37).

Religious titles not authorized in Scripture should be avoided, if not condemned.

–Robert M. Housby

“The Cave of John the Baptist”

August 22nd, 2004

(Newsbreak: Wednesday August 18, 2004)


“This is he of whom it is written,
Behold, I send my messenger before your face,
Who will prepare your way before you”

(Luke 7:27, ESV)

The Toronto Star (Wednesday August 18, 2004) recently reported, “Archaeologists said Monday they have found a cave where they believe John the Baptist anointed many of his disciples—a huge cistern with 28 steps leading to an underground pool of water. During a tour of the cave, archaeologists presented wall carvings they said tell the story of the fiery New Testament preacher…British archaeologist Shimon Gibson, who supervised the dig… said the cave was carved in the Iron Age, somewhere between 800 and 500 B.C., by the Israelites, who apparently used it as an immersion pool. It apparently was adopted by John the Baptist, who wanted a place where he could bring people to undergo their rituals. Gibson further posited, “…a foot washing stone… also constituted strong circumstantial evidence that John used the cave ” (Karen Laub, Associated Press).

Essentially, then, this discovering speculates that (1) John the Baptist used this cave, and (2) He used the cave for religious ritual purposes. The evidence seems to center around: a. the cave’s proximity to John’s home (Ain Karim) b. carvings which seemingly depict the life of John, and c. that the cistern easily coincides with John’s baptismal ministry. However, Matthew and Mark report that John
baptized, “…in the river Jordan” (Matthew 3:6;Mark 1:5); secondly, near Bethany beyond the Jordan (John 1:28); and, thirdly, “… in Aenon near to Salim, because there was much water there” (John 3:23). If a cave was a part of his ministry we are not told. We are told in Scripture, however, that John “was not the light, but came that he might bear witness of the light” (John 1:8).

As the world media delights in this latest discovery of a cave near Jerusalem, we, as Christians, remember an empty tomb.

–Robert M. Housby

Categories: baptism, John, Luke, Mark, Matthew Tags: