- References in Resolution
- Jesus and the Isaiah Scroll
- Classic Temptation and the Kingdom of God
- A Stage Set in theWilderness of Judea:
- Reactions to Salvation-History
- Salvation – History
- The Dedication to Theophilus
- At His Feet
- Troubles Within and Without
- Forgiveness Matters to the Forgiven
- Knowing You Know Me
- Why Jesus Spoke in Parables
- According to Your Faith
- The Priesthood of All Believers
- Providence (100-600 Level)
- The Elusive Kingdom
- Bethany
- The Holy Spirit As Comforter
- How to Do Life
- The Lord Does the Adding
- Why Is This Night Different?
- Moses the Man
- Thine & Mine
- Hercules in Samaria?
- A Short History of Church Music and Why We Sing
- The Appian Way and Paul’s Reason for Living
- Looking for the Golden Goose
- Preciousness
- Learning the Paradox of Psalm 77
- The “Take†Statements of Jesus
- The Suitable Blessing
- Love Apples
- The Benediction: Closeness with God
- The Christian Work Ethic
- Prayer: Against Strong Aversion to the Gospel
- A Theological Thinking of You
- Clarifying the Second Coming Re: The Man of Lawlessness
- 2 Thessalonians Series: “In Flaming Fireâ€
- The Thessalonian Letters Series…The Thanksgiving: Applications
- Somewhere Called Thessalonica (2):(Gain through Depth)
- The Thessalonian Letters Series…Final Instructions and the Benediction
- 1 and 2 Thessalonians Series…The Day of the Lord
- Letters to the Thessalonians…The Coming of the Lord
- A Preaching Series on theThessalonian Letters: How Serious Are You?
- A Preaching Series on theThessalonian Letters: Longing to Be Together (B)
- A Preaching Series on theThessalonian Letters: Longing to Be Together (A)
- A Preaching Series on theThessalonian Letters: Facing the Word
- A Preaching Series on theThessalonian Letters: Hollow or Hearty?“
- A Preaching Series on theThessalonian Letters: The Devotion of the Thessalonians
- 1 Thessalonians Series…Somewhere Called Thessalonica
- A Kingdom of Presence and Power
- The Controversial Kingdom
- Emphasis on a Difference
- Emphasis of the Hidden
- Blessedness of the Ordinary
- “Rejoice and Be Gladâ€
- The Science of A Mother’s Tear
- Springtime in Palestine and the Life of Christ
- The Gold Standard
- Egocentric Judas and the Christian Center
- “Make Disciplesâ€
- Whatever Happened to John Mark?
- Giving God the Glory
- Defining Belief
- What It Means to Be Prayerful
- You Mean So Much to Me!
- Meeting Your Deepest Needs
- Winnowing
- Abigail
- I Will Call Upon the Lord
- The Church in 2008
- A 2008 Personal Program
- The People of God
- Blessing in Genesis
- Donkey at the East Gate
- Why Ephesians 4:4-6 Matters
- A Sigh to Behold
- The Forum of Appius and Three Taverns
- Heavenward by Heaven Words
- Three Miracles at Calvary
- Three Symbols in Jeremiah
- Moses’ Wilderness Prayers
- “Conversionâ€
- The Colors of Redemption
- Choked Among the Thorns
- Come Away and Rest Awhile
- No Flies in Goshen
- “At His Feetâ€
- The Rock of Ages
- The Winning of Rachel
- Acceptable Worship
- Messiah of the Quarry
- Raisin Cakes and Modern Appetites
- The Story of Hagar and Ishmael
- Your Religious Salt
- What It Means to Be a Disciple
- Parable of the Great Banquet
- Repaid
- Places of Honor
- A Sabbath Controversy
- Today and Tomorrow
- Familiar Door Or Narrow Door?
- Relating Faith To Life
- Reactions to Jesus As Messiah/Redeemer
- The Classic Gospel Text On the Need for Repentance
- Now or Never?
- Are You Taking Time to Interpret the Times?
- I Came to Cast Fire on the Earth
- Stewards of the Master’s House
- Meant for An Hour
- Connecting Treasure and Kingdom
- Nervous About Needs?
- Decide What’s Treasure
- Christian Living Is Confessional Living
- Figuring Out the Fear Thing
- The Importance of Thinking Critically About Religion