
Archive for the ‘Old Testament’ Category

The Valley of Baca

August 8th, 2004

“Beyond the dim unknown, /
Standeth God within the shadow,
keeping watch above his own.”

James Russell Lowell,
The Present Crisis (1844), 8.


There is but one reference in the whole Bible to the term, “Baca.” It is found in Psalm 84:6: “As they go through the Valley of Baca they make it a valley of springs…” (ESV). The New English Bible translates this, “…as they pass through the thirsty valley”. The Revised Standard Version has, “the valley of weeping.” The expression, “the Valley of Baca” seems to admit of some kind of troublesome human experience. It does not exactly reveal the specific nature of this human experience though. Could it possibly be an experience of personal loss, danger, loneliness, or sin? Whatever the Psalmist had in mind, perhaps a broad-based idea, he leaves no room to doubt that one can emerge from this “Valley of Baca.” But, to emerge will mean that certain things are in place:

1. (Ps. 84:1) – The LORD must be perceived [“your dwelling place”].
2. (Ps. 84:2) – The LORD must be pursued [“My soul longs… for”].
3. (Ps. 84:3) – The LORD must be personalized [“my King and my God”].
4. (Ps. 84:4) – The LORD must be praised [“ever singing your praise”].
5. (Ps. 84:5) – The LORD must be our power [“whose strength is in you”].
6. (Ps. 84:8) – The LORD must be in our prayers [“hear my prayer”].
7. (Ps. 84:10) -The LORD must be preferred [“I would rather be”].

The German of Psalm 84:6 is Jammertal, “vale of sorrow” (Luther’s translation). Leupold sees in 84:6 a “parched valley,” which serves to bless others and brings springs into their lives through the exemplary life lived (Exposition of the Psalms, p. 606). A Balsam tree was also called a “weeper” (Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, p. 94). If this valley was indeed a valley of balsams, they exuded, as it were, “tears of gum.” May our tears, similarly, be turned into springs and pools of joy to the living God (Ps. 84:2).

–Robert M. Housby

Categories: Lord, Psalms Tags:

The Valley of Baca

August 8th, 2004

“Beyond the dim unknown, /
Standeth God within the shadow,
keeping watch above his own.”

James Russell Lowell,
The Present Crisis (1844), 8.

There is but one reference in the whole Bible to the term, “Baca.” It is found in Psalm 84:6: “As they go through the Valley of Baca they make it a valley of springs…” (ESV). The New English Bible translates this, “…as they pass through the thirsty valley”. The Revised Standard Version has, “the valley of weeping.” The expression, “the Valley of Baca” seems to admit of some kind of troublesome human experience. It does not exactly reveal the specific nature of this human experience though. Could it possibly be an experience of personal loss, danger, loneliness, or sin? Whatever the Psalmist had in mind, perhaps a broad-based idea, he leaves no room to doubt that one can emerge from this “Valley of Baca.” But, to emerge will mean that certain things are in place:

1. (Ps. 84:1) – The LORD must be perceived [“your dwelling place”].
2. (Ps. 84:2) – The LORD must be pursued [“My soul longs… for”].
3. (Ps. 84:3) – The LORD must be personalized [“my King and my God”].
4. (Ps. 84:4) – The LORD must be praised [“ever singing your praise”].
5. (Ps. 84:5) – The LORD must be our power [“whose strength is in you”].
6. (Ps. 84:8) – The LORD must be in our prayers [“hear my prayer”].
7. (Ps. 84:10) -The LORD must be preferred [“I would rather be”].

The German of Psalm 84:6 is Jammertal, “vale of sorrow” (Luther’s translation). Leupold sees in 84:6 a “parched valley,” which serves to bless others and brings springs into their lives through the exemplary life lived (Exposition of the Psalms, p. 606). A Balsam tree was also called a “weeper” (Zondervan Pictorial Bible Dictionary, p. 94). If this valley was indeed a valley of balsams, they exuded, as it were, “tears of gum.” May our tears, similarly, be turned into springs and pools of joy to the living God (Ps. 84:2).

–Robert M. Housby

Categories: Bible, Old Testament, Psalms Tags:

“The Four Winds of Heaven”

July 25th, 2004

(Jeremiah 49:36; Ezekiel 37:9; Daniel 7:2; 8:8; 11:4;
Zechariah 2:6; 6:4,5; Mark 13:27; Revelation 7:1)

“Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these my lord? And the angel answered and said unto me, These are the four winds of heaven, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.” (Zechariah 6:4,5)

Sometimes the people of God need a reminder that their work really matters. The apostle Paul said, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58). The Bible communicates that God, himself, is very interested in what happens on earth. One such figure of speech expressing God’s interest and participation in what happens on earth is, “the four winds of heaven”. This is a universal expression of cosmological vastness.

“Wind” is from the biblical word, ruach. The wind is a creation of God (Amos 4:13). The Spirit of God uses physical breath and wind to fulfill his great purposes for mankind (Genesis 1:2; 2:7; Ezekiel 37:5,6, 14).

1. The north wind (ruach tsawphon) – is associated with cold conditions (Job 37:9)
2. The south wind (ruach darom) – is often destructive, sultry and withering (James 1:11; Job 37:9)
3. The east wind (ruach qadim) – is portrayed as strong, gusty and scorching (Jeremiah 18:17; Hosea 13:15).
4. The west wind (ruach yam) – associated with storm and rain (1 Ki. 18:44,45).

The churches of Christ are involved in a universal mission (Eph. 3:10,11). This universal sense may be seen in Acts 2:2,5,6,17. Although difficult to conceive (John 3:9), Jesus is reassuring about this kingdom (John 3:8). May the four winds of heaven, which loom large in Scripture and in Space, find their place in us as well. The church must see herself as involved in the awesome and universal power of God

–Robert M. Housby

Categories: Bible, Old Testament, wind, Zechariah Tags:

“The Four Winds of Heaven”

July 25th, 2004

(Jeremiah 49:36; Ezekiel 37:9; Daniel 7:2; 8:8; 11:4;
Zechariah 2:6; 6:4,5; Mark 13:27; Revelation 7:1)

“Then I answered and said unto the angel that talked with me, What are these my lord? And the angel answered and
said unto me, These are the four winds of heaven, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the earth.”

(Zechariah 6:4,5)

Sometimes the people of God need a reminder that their work really matters. The apostle Paul said, “Wherefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (1 Corinthians 15:58). The Bible communicates that God, himself, is very interested in what happens on earth. One such figure of speech expressing God’s interest and participation in what happens on earth is, “the four winds of heaven”. This is a universal expression of cosmological vastness.

“Wind” is from the biblical word, ruach. The wind is a creation of God (Amos 4:13). The Spirit of God uses physical breath and wind to fulfill his great purposes for mankind (Genesis 1:2; 2:7; Ezekiel 37:5,6, 14).
1. The north wind (ruach tsawphon) – is associated with cold conditions (Job 37:9)
2. The south wind (ruach darom) – is often destructive, sultry and withering (James 1:11; Job 37:9)
3. The east wind (ruach qadim) – is portrayed as strong, gusty and scorching (Jeremiah 18:17; Hosea 13:15).
4. The west wind (ruach yam) – associated with storm and rain (1 Ki. 18:44,45).

The churches of Christ are involved in a universal mission (Eph. 3:10,11). This universal sense may be seen in Acts 2:2,5,6,17. Although difficult to conceive (John 3:9), Jesus is reassuring about this kingdom (John 3:8). May the four
winds of heaven, which loom large in Scripture and in Space, find their place in us as well. The church must see herself as involved in the awesome and universal power of God

–Robert M. Housby