Archive for the ‘Missionary Reports from Milano, Italia (2009 – 2013)’ Category
Summary of Language School Studies (October 7, 2009)
It is now our third week of Italian. We are able to express and interpret time; make appointments; give greetings; use about 35 common verbs, regular and irregular; read transportation schedules; discuss personal interests with others. We are now drilling daily to utilize all of our progress so far. We can ask all of the six interrogatives (questions).
Church (Chiesa di Christo) Observations
The church in Milan has an illustrious history.   We are fortunate to be able to contribute to this very special work. We are beginning to understand the dynamics of the current situation in Milano. The church is composed of native Italians, about a third; the remainder Internationals ranging from England, the Philippines, Ghana, America, and Albania. The Italian language is the common denominator with all of the above groups. It is a situation held together by a common language and belief system.   We worship very near to the famous Duomo of Milano. Photos of this edifice are quite inadequate to describe its splendor. Mary is atop of this vast structure, portrayed in gold. The pinnacle obviously belongs to Mary in this theology (consult Colossians 1:18).
Recent Participation
On  October 4, 2009, I delivered the morning sermon in Milan. This was my first in Europe. I spoke from the Gospel of John (Giovanni 8:23). The last several Sunday afternoons, following the morning service, have been spent in the home of an American family in Milan (Mike and Angie). He works for a major bank. During these times, we sing hymns, pray, and discuss a devotional.
We have also participated in several fellowships on Friday evenings at the church building. Three ladies from the States were also in Milan to conduct a “Let’s Start Talking†campaign. Numerous Milanese contacts have been made of late through these efforts.
A Monday/Tuesday night home Bible study is also underway. This an Italian study, in an Italian home. I have been asked to lead this discussion (my first in Italy).
Monday departure to Milan (09-14-09)
We fly Monday from Des Moines to Detroit and from there to Amsterdam. Then, we will have a flight to Milan, arriving on Tuesday. Our language school will begin the next day, for three hours. This will continue for the following four weeks every day for the same duration.
On Friday, September 11, we traveled to Marshalltown, Iowa for the annual Pray Over Iowa Seminar. The Italian Memorandum was represented on the program. I spoke for a few minutes and set up a display.

Bob at Display


Amber, Jacob, and Bob
Seven years of our life were spent working in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. The church in Cape has a long history of faithfulness. On August 23 the Cape congregation gave us a very warm and touching send-off. Goodbyes continued into the next week, when, on August 30 ,we finally ended our seven years with the Cape congregation. We were given a money tree and a song book with special inscriptions from the entire congregation wishing us well.
Missions Classes & Espresso

Class Training with Howard Bybee
This training was meant to prepare us for doing mission work in Italy. The program was an 8-5 , Monday through Friday type format.   Four others also received this preparation: Jillian, Emily, Cullen, and Travis–all en route to Florence. These were exceptional students with majors ranging from science, linguistics, and the performing arts. Marla and I stayed with Dr. Carl Mitchell

Our Hosts the Mitchells
and his wife Frankie (former missionaries to Italy after WWII). Golfed with Carl and Howard on Saturday.   The classes included: cross-cultural communication; received psychological testing; group dynamics; studies in John; world view; science and faith; Italian nuances; Catholicism; and, church history. We drank much Espresso.
Italian Wedding Reception

Paul Love and Bob in the Kitchen
Marla and I also participated in an Italian Wedding reception at the Loves. Marla served while I worked in the kitchen with Eleanor (raviolli was a course; grilled chicken another; also, capers; fresh basil; tomato and mozzarella as appetizers).
College Church Elders’ Blessing

College Church Elders' Prayer
On Sunday night, the College Church elders (over 30) prayed in a circle with us before the congregation; this, following the singing of Sii Con Me. Dr. Burks was among the elders. The significance of this event, to Marla and me, is perhaps due to the continued progress being made toward our goal of getting to Italy.
Website created July, 2009
The Italian Memorandum website was created to facilitate our need to do fund raising; provide memos; photos; and other relevant functions. By now the idea of going to Italy and learning the language was common around the house. The Cape leadership was appraised of these developments. We put our house on the market.
A shift in strategy August, 2009
A major shift in our strategy occurred about this time. We were now being directed to look at Milan. Milan is a city compared to New York. Lewis and Tammy Short were the Americans there.  Marla and I were also included in the two-week European training seminar in Searcy, Arkansas under the auspices of the College Church.
Grandview congregation to sponsor Bob and Marla
The Grandview church of Christ in Des Moines, Iowa agreed to sponsor the mission work of the Housbys. The excellent protocol of the Grandview leadership towards Missions was a primary reason why Bob formally requested their participation in this extended effort to Italy. Grandview coincidentally has a handful of members who have traveled throughout Italy.
2 Weeks, 2 Months, The Future
Phase One – ( 2 weeks )
Cultural training; psychological testing; and rapport building in Searcy, Arkansas (August 10-21).
Phase Two – ( 2 months )
Passports; airfare; and departure from Des Moine to Italy. Survey of multiple churches for decision where to work. This takes place under the direction of the Avanti Italia Committee at the College Church of Christ in Searcy, Arkansas.
Phase Three – ( The Future )
After the exploratory work, the Housbys will settle on a location in which to work. They will relocate and be sponsored by the Grandview Church of Christ in Des Moines, IA.
A package arrived
A package arrived about April containing a DVD of the Avanti Italia program.  Before passing it along, I screened it as part of my position at the Cape. I became intrigued by the concept; especially since I had grown up in the Italian theology myself. The exact chronology is vague now, but I do recall phoning Howard Bybee to ask pertinent questions about the program. We were given an invitation to come to Searcy and interview with the Avanti Committee. We stayed with the Bybees during the interview process.
Interview with the Avanti Committee
Our meeting was held Sunday evening after service in the Rock House. Those present included the aged, Dr. Clifton Ganus Jr., Howard Bybee, Paul and Joli Love, and others. Marla and I received approval following this meeting to proceed.  This was an anamoly in that the Avanti Italia program in Florence, Italy was designed mainly for more recent college graduates. We had been doing ministry for some thirty years. Nevertheless, we were given a green light.  We were now poised to say, “We’re going to Italy;” at least, theoretically.