
Archive for the ‘grace’ Category

Grace and the Unpopular

October 27th, 2002

(In conjunction with our October series on Hebrews, we would quote the final words from the Hebrew Letter which remind us of God’s extended grace)

“God’s grace be with you all!”

(Hebrews 13:25)

The following is a true story that occurred during my son’s first-grade experience. One of the children in the class came from a poor home situation. His clothes were not like the other children’s and his unkept appearance did not lend itself toward a positive self-image. Perhaps this was his mother’s motivation to throw a birthday party for him. So, one day this young man began passing out his birthday invitations. The day for the party finally arrived. However, this raggedly dressed boy with untamed hair would not see most of his classmates. In fact, he saw only one. Yes, only one other came to the party. I can almost see him waiting for the cars to pull up, though they never came. The one who did come, though, brought a gift. That unpopular youngster needed God’s grace that day. The Hebrew writer would end his letter with a reminder of the grace of God. Not only has he showed up, he comes bearing a gift; and he says: “I will never leave you or desert you” (Hebrews 13:6).

–Robert M. Housby

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