
Archive for the ‘Italy’ Category

Venice Time

December 20th, 2012
Marla on Grand Canal in Venice, Italy

Time in Motion

Our Italian doctor in Milan is fond of making the assertion, “Let’s look at the science.” Similarly, like a good scientist, Lucasian professor of mathematics at Cambridge University, Stephen Hawking, in his book: A Brief History of Time, after laboring for ten chapters with the science, offers this startling conclusion: The usual approach of science of constructing a mathematical model cannot answer the question of why there should be a universe to describe”. He then goes on to posit further, “Why does the universe go to all the bother of existing?” (174). These questions are telling, especially after Hawking began his book, “And our goal is nothing less than a complete description of the universe we live in” (13).
The Christian worldview has an appreciation for “the science.” But, it also realizes that to describe the universe from inside the universe can be precarious. In other words, not all secrets of the universe are given up at Cambridge or Princeton or MIT. To the Christian worldview, there is information which places the Lord outside the jurisdiction of the universe. Do we understand this? Reference Colossians 1:17, for example, where Christ is referred to as, sunesteken, in Paul’s Greek. This is translated, “…in him all things hold together (ESV). Hawking allows Guth to explain a GUT (grand unified theory) (see chapter 8, The Origin and Fate of the Universe):

Clocktower on Island of Murano in Venice, Italy

Ventian Clocktower

“In an attempt to find a model of the universe in which many different initial configurations could have evolved to something like the present universe, a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Alan Guth, suggested that the early universe might have gone through a period of very rapid expansion. This expansion is said to be “inflationary,” meaning that the universe at one time expanded at an increasing rate rather than the decreasing rate that is does today” (127). The Christian portrayal of a GUT must involve the Hebrews 1:3 data, which places the ultimate source of energy and dynamics outside the system.

Island of Murano, Venice, Italy

Isle of Murano

Now, when it comes to appreciating the above information, we are at once confronted with the ramifications to prayer. The God who answers prayer, being outside of the system per se, and yet concerned with the interior, is able to deliver (Ephesians 3:14-21). A second reason for relevance in these matters about a theology of Christ involves how the Lord is able to enter history. Throughout the biblical text there are invitations for participation in this, The Greatest Story Ever Told.
So, we give thanks today for solar physics and biological thriving (a biology and physics of Genesis); for gravitational force (attraction); and for atomic stability (coherence). This is My Father’s World!

Perception, Power and Puccini

December 15th, 2012
Old canal in Milan, Italy

Old Canal

In 1 Samuel 9 and 10, we find the narrative about the beginning of the United Kingdom under Saul. One of the signs by which the Lord confirmed his selection of Saul as king involved lost donkeys (9:1-5). But, the donkeys were not the main show; the kingdom was the power to be perceived (10:2, 16). This origin story of the Kingdom of Israel introduces an important point, that the communications in Scripture often involve information which requires a searching and contrite heart to get it.
Recently, my wife and I were walking in our neighborhood of Porta Nuova, Milano. We had just turned the corner, when upon looking up, I noticed a plaque on a building (palazzo). It read that Giuseppe Puccini, the famous Italian composer had once lived there. This information was new and surprising to us! Now, if we had not known of the work of Puccini, the information would have been meaningless or not well appreciation. But, since we knew Puccini, we were able to drink it in and be glad about this serendipity.
The parables of our Lord are also like this. These parables contain coded messages for those who are able to see, able to hear, and able to understand (Matthew 13: 14-16). But, for those who are unable, they become a hindrance and a problem resulting in spiritual resistance.

In front of La Scala Theatre, Milan, Italy

In front of La Scala Theatre

When Jesus described the kingdom he likened it to small things, common things, insignificant things, which in turn become grand, uncommon, and significant. The seeds (such as the mustard seed, the smallest of all seeds); the little coins; the one lost sheep (Luke 15), these all serve to show the nature of the mystery of the Kingdom of God. In other words, the kingdom has arrived (Colossians 1:13), but not with irresistible force. God allows for humans to reject it, if they wish; which, of course, is not his wish at all.
In Luke 17:20-21, Jesus explains that the kingdom is not subject to observation in the common sense.  When he says that the kingdom is “within (entos) you,” [rather than among you] there is good reason to prefer this meaning which infers within your hands; that is, in your power of choice, if you choose it (See Zerwick and Grosvenor, 251-252).

So, who was that Puccini fellow?

Between Castle and Cathedral

December 27th, 2011

 One day in December, while walking between the Castle and the Cathedral of Milan, we heard some very elegant electric guitar music echoing between the stone walls.  There he was sitting on the ground playing Imagine by Lennon.   Short's remembered in MilanHe played slowly with delicate finesse.   Then, while admiring his instrumental work (because the lyrics are wanting), I looked down to see he had no legs (uhm).   His gift was undoubtedly despite his severe limitations.   Again, recently, in the cavernous chambers of the Metropolitana, I heard Mozart being played by a gifted violinist.  We understand such beauty when it comes to music because of the immediate feedback.  But, sometimes in the cause of Christ there are no immediate overtures or encores.   But, we believe that one day things will resolve when the books are opened.

The great Luciano Pavorotti said, “I think a life in music is a life well spent, and this is what I have devoted my life to.”  Brooks remembered in Milan We understand that not long after the Italian tenor said those words he passed on into the great hereafter.    Someday, perhaps not long from now, we may like Pavarotti reflect back on our life and muse about what our gift has been.   And, like the music of Pavarotti, though he is gone, his music plays on.

We recently came across an anonymous line which we dedicate here and now to those of you who have left your gift between the Castle and the Cathedral of Elizabeth and Doug remembered in MilanMilan (Acts 20:35; 2 Corinthians 9:11).   “Some people come into our lives and quickly go.   Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.   And we are never, ever the same”  

The Keats-Shelley House

December 15th, 2011


The Pantheon is larger than one might imagine and truly surreal.  Rome has been called the Eternal City for some solid comparative reasons.  However, at

base of the Spanish Steps

the base of the Spanish Steps, immediately to the right, there is a multi-level, albeit, modest home known as The Keats-Shelley House.  Bob had heard of this place some years ago.   Then, recently, in a visit to Rome, he found it just as predicted.  As Bob stood in the room where Keats died and looking out the very window that John must have peered himself many times, he was reminded of an old text from one of the prophets—“All souls are mine”  (Ezekiel 18:4).  Whereas, Shelley was lost at sea in Italy, Keats died

room where Keats died

here in Rome of tuberculosis.  Both men made lasting literary contributions. Both died relatively young. And both had to leave “the Eternal City”.

But, the thought that Bob would like to leave here is how he found a young British (not Italian) museum curator knitting away on the second floor of the Keats-Shelley House.  There she was in the quiet of that Italian afternoon keeping watch over the literary shrine to the memory of these two British poets.  That somehow seemed appropriate (see also Proverbs 15:3).

approaching Spanish Steps