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A Preaching Series on theThessalonian Letters: Longing to Be Together (B)

August 17th, 2008

“…that you always remember us kindly and long to see us,

as we long to see you…”

(1Thessalonians 3:6)

Introduction: 1 Thessalonians 3 is about, the next best thing. Once again. Longing to Be Together (B), like 2:17-20, is grounded doctrinally in the second coming (3:13).

I. Review

1:1 – __________________________________________

2:19 – _________________________________________

II. Background (Acts 17:10-15)

= Interdependence over independence!

II. The Next Best Thing

A. Re: in view of Timothy’s return

B. Re: in view of the coming (parousia) of Jesus

C. Re: in view of what’s lacking in your faith

Conclusion: A central part of what Paul is doing in Ch. 3 is urging the Thessalonian Christians to practice their faith in the very situations in which they find themselves. Shall we do less?

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