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New Members Ministry

April 24th, 2005

“How To Welcome New Members”


“Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk,
that by it you may grow up to salvation”

(1 Peter 2:2,ESV)

This article will serve to remind the Cape congregation that as new members come into our fellowship, it is extremely important that every member show the love of Christ to them. Below are some updates and suggestions for each member to understand:

1. Enfolding new Christians is the responsibility of every member:
a. Never let them sit alone.
b. Introduce them to other members.
c. Phone them during the week.
d. Take them to area gospel meetings, camps, ladies’ days, etc.
e. Invite them to lunch.
f. Verbalize your appreciation.
g. Listen to them.

2. Remember the five basic needs of new Christians –
a. Help them to understand that they have been born again into a family.
b. Befriend them that they might belong.
c. Encourage them to learn the Scriptures (Bible Class).
d. They will need to find a ministry for themselves in which to contribute.
e. They will need the watchful care of other Christians (your concern).

Basic Scriptures which support the above recommendations:

1 Cor. 12:12-26; Eph. 4:15,16; Rom. 12:3-21.

The spring campaign continues. Pray for further success. And, may God bless us, as we develop ourselves, by putting others first, and realizing that church leadership awaits the next generation of the faithful to carry on the Lord’s work (1 Cor. 15:58).

-Robert M. Housby

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