Acts 2:17

July 27th, 2008

“…your young men shall see visions,

and your old men shall dream dreams…”

(Acts 2:17)

Students of the Bible must be careful to distinguish between first century miraculous abilities and 21st century belief in and application of the miraculously confirmed biblical word (see Hebrews 2:3-4). Modern-day charismatics are unquestionably involved in a non-equivalent activity, despite their grandiose claims.  The former was obtained only by transference through the “laying on of hands” by one of the original apostles; read the Acts sequence in context: 5:12; 6:5-8; 8:9-19).    That, having been prefaced, leads us to examine one of the ever important and always timely verses of Scripture, Acts 2:17.

Possible interpretations of this section:

A.    The “visions” and “dreams” are actual dream states (see Heb. 1:1).

B.     The v. and d. are meant to be interpreted  figuratively as turning points of inner  resolution for all men-young, old, male, and female.

C.     The v. and d. are apocalyptic symbols depicting the commencement                  of a new and fresh era-the Christian Age.

D.    The v. and d. are a combination of the above possibilities.

Certainly, the age of Christ has dawned; and a turning point of inner resolution is now possible.

-Robert M. Housby

Categories: Acts, Bible, miraculous, New Testament Tags: