Be the Tree of Psalm 1
“And he shall be like a tree planted by the
streams of water, That bringeth forth its
fruit in its season, Whose leaf also doth
not wither; And whatsoever he doeth shall
prosper. The wicked are not so…â€
(Psalm 1:3,4, ASV)
The Cappadocian biblical scholar, Basil, (c. A.D. 329-379), said the Book of
Psalms “foretells coming events; it recalls history; it frames laws for life; it
suggests what must be done; and, in general, it is the common treasury of good
doctrine†(Basil, Homily 10,1,2). As such, we shall make some brief comments
regarding the “tree†of Psalm 1:3 (quoted above).
1. The “tree†is the “blessed†man (See Psalm 1:1).
2. The “tree†is the man who avoids wicked counsel (See Psalm 1:1,2).
3. The “tree†has a reliable resource from which to grow (Psalm 1:3).
4. The “tree†produces its intended fruit (Psalm 1:3).
5. These traits of the “tree†are not common to the wicked (Psalm 1:4).
Christian growth is very much like the tree of Psalm 1: rooted (Colossians 1:23);
raised (Colossians 3:1,2); ruled (Colossians 3:15,17); and, realized (Colossians
1:10). Often, we put up excuses for our own lack of growth; blame others; shift
responsibility away from ourselves; and find others who are like-minded (hell).
Instead, we should be striving to be the tree of Psalm 1.
– Robert M. Housby