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Language of the Living God

January 2nd, 2005

“For the word of God is living and active…”

(Hebrews 4:12)

Books can be stuffy things. But, the Bible is not one of them. Intelligent men for thousands of years have burned the midnight oil to learn of this unseen God, who proposes to guide men from his inspired word (2 Timothy 3:16,17). There is a sequence that lies embedded in the Book; and, that sequence runs from language to relationship.

1. Psalm 119 begins with biblical language “the law of the LORD” (119:1); “his testimonies” (119:2); “his ways” (119:3); “your precepts” 119:4);“your statutes” (119:5); “your commandments” (119:6); “your righteous rules”(119:7).
2. Psalm 119, however, from that language, always infers the possibility of a relationship with the living Lord:


a. 119:94“I am yours”
b. 119:151“But you are near; O LORD”
c. 119:114“You are my hiding-place”

As we enter 2005, man is confronted again with the great questions and the ultimate realities: ranging from word to worship; and, from language to living : (John 6:63). Can you say, “I am yours in the New Year?” (See Romans 6:4 on “Newness”). Can you verbalize, mobilize, and glorify in Christ?

– Robert M. Housby

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