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“When I Think of the Gospel”

February 20th, 2005

(Reminiscences of the Gospel in the English Alphabet)

A – Abba: the intensive form of Father (Gal. 4:6).
B – Balm: of Gilead; Christian healing (Jer. 8:22; 1 Pet. 2:24).
C – Calvary: Latin for kranion; place of the skull, Golgatha (Matt. 27:33; Jn. 19:17).
D – David: the royal model of the Messiah (Acts 2:29-31).
E – Evangelism: the world class message and spread of the gospel (Lk. 24:47).
F – Faith: drawing near to God; access (Heb. 11:6).
G –Galilee: the great Galilean ministry set among the beauty of Palestine (Mk. 1:37-39).
H – Heaven: heaven came down; incarnation (Col. 1:5).
I – Immanuel: with us is God (Matt. 1:23).
J – Jerusalem: a city with fascination like none other (Lk. 2:43; Matt. 23:37).
K – Kingdom: Jesus preached it and died with it above his dying head (Lk. 23:38).
L – Lamb: An innocent and winsome lamb; a sacrifice to God for man (Acts 8:32-35).
M –Miracles: the gospel is a confirmed message (Heb. 2:3,4).
N – Nazareth: the boyhood home and early years of Jesus (Lk. 2:51,52).
O – Omega: the ultimate reality that Jesus is Lord of the universe (Rev. 1:8).
P – Palms: laid before the young prince on his journey; Hosanna (Matt. 21:8,9).
Q – Quotations: about 250 O.T. quotes in N.T. ; Jesus came to fulfill (Lk. 24:44-46).
R – Resurrection: there is power and newness for today and tomorrow (Rom. 1:4; 6:4).
S – Salt: reminding us that all Christians are responsible on earth (Matt. 5:13).
T – Transformation: the renewal of the Christian mind; life changing joy (Rom. 12:2).
U –Upper room: a reminder that there is a time to wait on the Lord (Acts 1:13).
V – Verse: Jesus was versed in the scriptures (Matt. 4:4,6,7,10; 19:4).
W -Wages: a man cannot live on the wages of sin (Rom. 3:23; 6:23).
X – Unknown: to many the Savior is yet unknown (Acts 17:23).
Y – Yesterday: Christ is timeless and yet timely (Heb. 13:8).
Z – Zechariah: the Lord remembers (Phil. 4:3).
When we think of the gospel, our minds are carried far away to a distant land; and yet, “…he is not far from each one of us…” (Acts 17:27). Make the gospel our immediate spiritual oasis today.

-Robert M. Housby

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