The Moon
Do you have a Christian worldview about the Moon? Look up into the night sky with the following data in mind (Ps. 19:1-2; 2 Cor. 10:5,NASB).
1. Gen. 1:14-16 (the principal luminary of the night has interdependence with the sun)
2. Ps. 72:5 (both the sun and the moon are expressions of permanence)
3. Ps. 8:3 (the moon is the work of the Lord; set it in place by him)
4. Mk. 13:24 (portrayed as eclipsed at the coming of the Son of Man)
5. Matt. 4:24 (the moon is associated with mental affliction, literally “moon-struck” (from selena, the moon = lunatics, NASB Zondervan Interlinear. Other translations interpret as epileptic, etc.)
6. Ps. 121:5 (the moon was once thought to influence the mind-loony thinking).
7. Job 31:26-28 (the moon is associated with idolatry-worship; Nanna, Sumerian/named Sin by the Assyrians)
8. The moon’s appearance is that of highlands (craters); maria (lava); mnt. ranges (debris); and, valleys (1000’s of km). The moon is geologically dead. Its average distance from Earth is 3.8 x 10.  It is the only satellite of the Earth. Its diameter is 3,476 km./ .25 that of Earth’s.   All lunar rocks are formed by cooling lava (igneous). Its gravity is 1/6 that of Earth’s. Its period of rotation is 27 1/3 days; period of revolution is 29 ½ days.
9. Four Major Theories of Lunar Origin – (1)Â Condensation (same material and time of formation as Earth)Â (2)Â Fission (the moon was once part of the Earth and split away)Â (3)Â Capture (a separate stellar object captured by Earth’s gravity, and (4)Â Large impact theory (a Mars sized object hit Earth; splashed off and formed the moon).
-Robert M. Housby