
Archive for the ‘Bulletins’ Category

Useful to the Master in 2009

January 11th, 2009

“Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your  reward.  You are serving the Lord Christ”

(Col. 3:23,24)

The story was recently told over the radio about an American soldier returned from Iraq who suffered the loss of both legs.   As devastating as this must have been for him, and doubtless will continue to be, his attitude seems exemplary.  He is reported to be fond of wearing a shirt when he goes out in public with a printed message.  It reads on the front-Used Marine, Cheap.  On the back of his shirt it reads-40% OFF / SOME ASSEMBLY REQUIRED.

Like the American soldier above, we also want to find our own niche after loss and disappointment; to continue to get up and try again-under less than ideal circumstances. How well Paul knew this (2 Corinthians 11:21-33).

1. Being useful was a priority with Paul (Philemon 11b).

2. Even being useless is notable to Paul (Philemon 11a)

3. The motivation for usefulness is the Master (Col. 3:22-4:1).

4. Being useful is to produce good works (Eph. 2:10).

5. And, Paul kept in mind the need for constant encouragement to remain useful (1 Cor. 15:58).

The Lord will not forget your usefulness.

-Robert M. Housby

Categories: Bible, Colossians, New Testament, Useful Tags:

Cracker Jack Dreams

January 2nd, 2009

“When I was a child I spoke like a child, I thought like a child,

I reasoned like a child. When I became a man I gave up childish ways”

(1 Corinthians 13:11)

Back in the days, the cousins and I would run across the open field to Foley’s little grocery store. Pyapp, my grandfather, who himself lived just across the street from this store, would see to it that we all had 15 cents. Once inside the store, we could smell everything from fresh fruit, to garlic Polish sausage. Immediately, we were confronted with decisions. A comic book-15 cents. A small brown paper bag full of assorted candies-penny-a-piece. And, then there was the classic box of Cracker Jack-15 cents. The prize inside was often the cause of not a little delight. Of course, one usually got a plastic monkey, or the like. But, on one very special day we received the prize of a small magnifying glass. Wow! Every time, thereafter, when we broke open a box of Cracker Jack we did so with the hope of another magic glass. But, this avid hope was often dashed against the rocks of another plastic monkey.

The Bible is full of stories of people holding on to their plastic monkeys. Always holding out for a Cracker Jack dream; though all too often winding up with another plastic monkey. Look around, consider those near to you. Now, they’ll never admit it-but their hearts are frequently consumed with plastic monkeys (Mark 10:22; James 1:23-24).

“Seek the things that are above” (Colossians 3:1).

-Robert M. Housby

The Reason for Your Own Birth

December 26th, 2008

“For this purpose I was born and for this purpose I have

come into the world”

(John 19:37)

“I glorified you on earth, having accomplished the work

that you gave me to do”

(John 17:4)

We often refer to the life of Christ as a life of a designated destiny (Jn. 17:4; 18:37). But, we sometimes forget that as followers of the Christ we, ourselves, are to have that same sense of royal destiny. Consider this divine destiny for every believer as taken from the Gospel of John:

A. The Christian has not only been born, but has been born again (Jn. 3:1-8).

B. Once Jesus said, “kingdom,” and he did (Jn. 18:36), the entire royal Davidic program became current and electric (cf. Jn. 12:13).

C. This program of designated destiny was meant to include his followers (Jn.18:36,37; “everyone”).

D. Now, we have our own work to do (cf. Jn. 9:4; 12:26; Eph. 2:10).

-Robert M. Housby

Categories: Bible, birth, John, New Testament, Topical Tags:

The Fruits of Galatians 5

December 12th, 2008

(Your Self-Test)

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law”

(Galatians 5:22,23)

Circle either the ? or the !

1. How are you doing with love ? !

2. How are you doing with joy ? !

3. How are you doing with peace ? !

4. How are you doing with patience ? !

5. How are you doing with kindness ? !

6. How are you doing with goodness ? !

7. How are you doing with faithfulness ? !

8. How are you doing with gentleness ? !

9. How are you doing with self-control ? !

This Self-Test will help you to evaluate your own end of the year spirituality. Let’s get ready for a productive 2009!

-Robert M. Housby

What About Holidays?

December 5th, 2008

Someone said, “There’s no place like home for the holidays.” (Lyrics by Al Stillman, 1954).  In this brief expose, we shall explore the biblical concept of the term, “holiday (s), as it pertains to the broader concept of the Christian home.

1. Holiday is derived from Anglo-Saxon usage of holy day, according to Webster’s New Universal Dictionary (unabridged), correlating  holiday to the definition of holy itself-“1. belonging to or coming from God; hallowed; consecrated or set apart to a sacred use”  (p. 868).

2. Any accurate usage of “holy,” however, (and its associated terminology-holiness, sanctified, etc.) stems from the N.T. root word hagios.    The New Testament usage, unlike Old Testament usage, does not show particular holy days (such as Passover or Pentecost).  Furthermore, the association of Christmas Day cannot find specific endorsement from the Scriptures as ordered holy days.  The Christmas story may have a basis in Scripture (see Lk. 2:1-20); but, the Christian religion has no support for liturgical observance of such holy days (see Col. 2:16-17).  Nevertheless, Thanksgiving, for example, would fall under the Romans 14:5-6 authorization.

3.     New Testament Christians are encouraged to recognize that all days are God-given (Psalm 118:26); to recognize the incarnation as a very special day in history (Heb. 1:5-6; 2:14; 5:7; 1 Tim. 3:16)  and, also, to regularly observethe Lord’s day” (Rev. 1:10; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor. 16:2).

In conclusion, then, we are not commanded to keep Holidays-but, we are commended to interpret all reality with a Christian worldview (2 Cor. 10:5; Col. 3:17; Phil. 4:8,9).  “God, give us Christian homes” RMH

Categories: Bible, holiday, Luke, New Testament, Topical Tags:

New Archaeological Discovery—The Saqqara Pyramid

November 21st, 2008

Katarina Kratovac reports in the Associated Press (Southeast Missourian, Wednesday, Nov. 12, 2008)-Archaeologists have discovered a previously unknown pyramid under the sands of Saqqara, [Egypt]…The 4300-year-old monument most likely belonged to the queen mother of the founder of Egypt’s 6th Dynasty, and was built several hundred years after the famed Great Pyramids of Giza, antiquities chief, Zahi Hawass said while announcing the find. The discovery is part of the sprawling necropolis and burial site of the rulers of ancient Memphis, the capital of Egypt’s Old Kingdom, about 12 miles south of Giza…the structure had been buried under 65 feet of sand. There was so much sand dumped here that no one had any idea there was something buried underneath, Hawaas said….To find a new pyramid is always exciting,..And this one is magical. It belonged to a queen (likely Queen Sesheshet). Calculations suggest that the pyramid was originally some 45 feet tall. The article concludes, “This find is important because it adds to the understanding of the 6th Dynasty, which reigned from 2,322 B.C. to 2,151 B.C. It was the last dynasty of the Old Kingdom…considered the first peak of phararonic civilization.”

The interest of the pyramids to Bible students, although not mentioned in the Scriptures, per se, seems to us to be nestled in several scriptures. These references include: Genesis 12:10; 47:7-11,21; Exodus 1:11; and Matthew 2:13-15. Memphis was in the south-east corner of the land of Goshen. We are not told who, among the Lord’s people, actually viewed the pyramids; but, the possibilities are present.

-Robert M. Housby

November: A Time to Give Thanks

November 15th, 2008

“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good…

Give thanks to the God of heaven”

(Psalm 136:1,26)

A former teacher in our congregation, Jane Volkerding, was recently reminiscing about an old Thanksgiving poem that she would often share with the children in her class.  This lovely and simple poem reads as follows-

Why is there a Thanksgiving Day

in chilly gray November?

So-we can pause and give our thanks

for good things we remember.

As we further reflect upon good things which we remember, we are including the last public prayer that we remember Carl W. Long (recently departed) praying:  “Lord, we’ve been better for being here.  Bless us Lord, as only you can, and help us to live better lives.  And thank you for Jesus’ cross.  We love you Lord.  Now, bring us back again.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.”

-Robert M. Housby

Categories: Bible, Old Testament, Psalms, thanksgiving Tags:

Ideas to help make your church a living, connected community of faith

November 7th, 2008

(Taken from the Christian Chronicle (November, 2008), Bailey McBride.

This article has been condensed and adapted, RMH)

1. Pay attention to visitors. Seek out people you don’t know.

2. Care for people facing tragedies. Caring for each other proves we have been with Jesus.

3. Support families during illness.

4. Share Jesus. People are drawn to joyous believers.

5. Send cards and/or make calls.

6. Make friends outside your age group.

7. Serve in groups.

8. Love each other.

Our Cape congregation assigns members according to Units. These Units are under the direction of our church leadership. Such Units allow for the above practical suggestions to take place. Paul said, “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26,27). Do your best to serve the Lord while you may. R.H.

Categories: church Tags:

A Question About Instrumental Music in Worship

October 24th, 2008

Several times during this past month, I was asked why we do not use music at church. A Bible study that came as a result of this question allowed for the opportunity to explain why we do not use mechanical instruments in our Christian worship. The notes from that Bible study are reproduced here for your benefit:

A. Worship Is About God

1. Genesis 4:1-5 – God orders worship, not man.

2. John 4:23-24 – True worship has two conditions.

3. Leviticus 10:1-2 (Rom. 15:4) – Unauthorized worship (v. 1) is unacceptable worship with God (v. 2).

4. 2 Samuel 6:1-8 – Obedience is preferred over the best-of- intentions.

B. Re: New Testament Worship

1. It is to be distinguished from O.T. worship (2 Tim. 2:15; Heb.8:9;9:1;12:28).

2. “Christians” are told to sing (Eph. 5:19; James 5:13).

3. There is absolutely no evidence that that early church used instruments in worship. In fact, the early Church Fathers, after the manner of the Apostles, strictly opposed mechanical instruments in worship.

4. The kind of music which God desires today is clearly stated. The only acceptable music, under the new covenant, is identified as from the heart, not the harp (see Col. 3:16,17 for authority-“in the name of the Lord Jesus” [not Moses; not David; nor the traditions of men]

-Robert M. Housby

Not Practicing the Faith?

October 17th, 2008

“Woe to those who are at ease in Zion…Woe to those who lie on beds of ivory and stretch themselves out on their couches, and eat lambs from the flock and calves from the midst of the stall, who sing idle songs to the sound of the harp and like David invent for themselves instruments of music, who drink wine in bowls, and anoint themselves with the finest oils, but are not grieved over the ruin of Joseph!”

(Amos 6:1,4-6)

We often assume that the faithful are the Lord’s people, while the faithless are not God’s people. However, throughout the pages of sacred history, we are reminded that even the Lord’s people are at times found not practicing the faith. The story of Amos 6 is such a sad chronicle in the history of the Lord’s people. Notice the characteristics that led to their downfall:

1. 6:1 They felt secure.

2. 6:1b They belonged to a first class nation.

3. 6:3 Personal disaster was a distant notion.

4. 6:4 They were very relaxed.

5. 6:4b They were eating well.

6. 6:5 They were creative and entertainment based.

7. 6:6 Their beverage of choice was abundant.

8. 6:8b Their economy allowed for the best.

Who would have thought that from this luxurious pinnacle they would have fallen (6:7-8)? Yet, they did fall. Think about your own faith. Are you practicing, or, are you at ease in Zion?

-Robert M. Housby

Categories: Amos, Bible, faith, Old Testament, practicing Tags: