One day in December, while walking between the Castle and the Cathedral of Milan, we heard some very elegant electric guitar music echoing between the stone walls. There he was sitting on the ground playing Imagine by Lennon. Â
He played slowly with delicate finesse.  Then, while admiring his instrumental work (because the lyrics are wanting), I looked down to see he had no legs (uhm).  His gift was undoubtedly despite his severe limitations.  Again, recently, in the cavernous chambers of the Metropolitana, I heard Mozart being played by a gifted violinist. We understand such beauty when it comes to music because of the immediate feedback. But, sometimes in the cause of Christ there are no immediate overtures or encores.  But, we believe that one day things will resolve when the books are opened.
The great Luciano Pavorotti said, “I think a life in music is a life well spent, and this is what I have devoted my life to.â€Â
 We understand that not long after the Italian tenor said those words he passed on into the great hereafter.   Someday, perhaps not long from now, we may like Pavarotti reflect back on our life and muse about what our gift has been.  And, like the music of Pavarotti, though he is gone, his music plays on.
We recently came across an anonymous line which we dedicate here and now to those of you who have left your gift between the Castle and the Cathedral of
Milan (Acts 20:35; 2 Corinthians 9:11).  “Some people come into our lives and quickly go.  Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.  And we are never, ever the sameâ€Â Â
(Taken from the Christian Chronicle (November, 2008), Bailey McBride.
This article has been condensed and adapted, RMH)
1. Pay attention to visitors. Seek out people you don’t know.
2. Care for people facing tragedies. Caring for each other proves we have been with Jesus.
3. Support families during illness.
4. Share Jesus. People are drawn to joyous believers.
5. Send cards and/or make calls.
6. Make friends outside your age group.
7. Serve in groups.
8. Love each other.
Our Cape congregation assigns members according to Units. These Units are under the direction of our church leadership. Such Units allow for the above practical suggestions to take place. Paul said, “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.” (1 Corinthians 12:26,27). Do your best to serve the Lord while you may. R.H.
“…I write so that you may know how you ought to conduct yourselves in the
house of God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of
the truthâ€
(1 Timothy 3:15)
Some popular slogans about church (2007)
“It doesn’t matter what church you attend—just as long as you attend some church.â€
“Church isn’t the important thing;
having a relationship with the Lord is the important thing.â€
“We’re non-denominational! [unity for unity’s sake]â€
The New Testament Church –
A. Has the right builder (Matt. 16:18)
B. Was established at the right time (Dan. 2:44; Mic. 4:2; Acts 2:16)
C. Was established in the right place (Isa. 2:2-3; Acts 2:5)
D. Has the right standard of authority (2 Tim. 3;16-17; Acts 20:32)
E. Has the right organizational structure (Phil. 1:1; Tit. 1:5)
F. Has the right plan of salvation (1 Cor. 15:1-4)
G. And, has the right worship and service (Jn. 4:24; Matt. 15:9; Heb. 12:28)
Next time that someone tries to tell you that the church doesn’t matter, ask them why they prefer the wrong—founder; time; place; standard; organization; plan; and worship. Of course, maybe these relativistic followers know something that the Lord does not know. “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord†(Josh. 24:15).
-Robert M. Housby
“…for the ways of the LORD are right…â€
(Hosea 14:9)
Abraham’s servant bowed his head worshipfully and said—“…blessed be the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, who had led me by the right way…†(Genesis 24:48). Later, Moses, himself, would articulate a theology of the right way:
A. The right way is not based upon personally drawn conclusions (Deut. 12:8; 13:1-5; 18:19-22).
B. The right way is grounded in obedience to the documented word of the Lord (Bible) (Deut. 12:28; Ps. 33:4).
C. The right way is known through the commandments (mitvah) (Deut. 13:18).
The Major Post-Modern Assumptions Deserving Biblical Refutation:
1. All religions, churches, and philosophical systems are equally valid (Prov. 12:15; Matt. 15:9,13).
2. God is a purely arbitrary choice on the behalf of the individual (Prov. 16:25).
3. There is no historical/factual basis for Christianity (Lk. 3:1-2; Acts 26:26).
4. Human experience is the ultimate factor in determining truth (Deut. 12;8; Prov. 21:2).
5. There is no room for an exclusive approach to truth (Jn. 14:6; Deut. 12:29-32; Jude 3; Acts 13:10; 2 Pet. 2:15).
6. Sin is merely an outdated view of environmental and social injustices (1 Jn. 1:8).
7. Ultimate issues (origin of the universe; human meaning; salvation; etc.) have little or no bearing on the real world (Heb. 11:3,6).
– Robert Housby
“…the church which is his bodyâ€
(Ephesians 1:22-23)
A common mistake being made by many in the world today is the notion that no one church is any better than any other church. The yellow pages are full of Christian type organizations, usually represented as this church or that church. However, the Lord is not bound by any American marketing found in the yellow pages. And, the Lord certainly never intended for the pluralistic nonsense out there that is being touted under the banner of non-judgmental inter-faith/inter-denominationalism (Matt. 16:18).
If your church is in the Bible, it will bear the credentials of being the church that Jesus built; if not, it simply won’t. These credentials include:
1. A Scriptural approach toward establishing what is “truth†(John 17:17).
2. A Scriptural name which honors Christ as its only head (Eph. 1:22,23).
3. A Scriptural unity based upon the word of the original apostles’ (John 17:20).
4. A Scriptural church organization (Eph. 4:4-16).
5. A Scriptural plan of salvation that speaks where the Bible speaks and is silent where the Bible is silent (Acts 2:38-47).
If your church is so represented in the Scriptures, then by all means and at all times, commit yourself to this church. Don’t make excuses, don’t shirk responsibility; don’t dilly-dally, shilly-shally, or commit willy-nilly. Give the Lord your best—do what’s right, right now (1 Corinthians 15:58).
– Robert M. Housby