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The Elusive Kingdom

May 2nd, 2009

(A Study of the Kingdom in the Gospel of Luke)

E lu’ sive -  1.  tending to elude.  2. hard to grasp, attain or retain; baffling                Webster’s New Universal Dictionary, (unabridged, 589)

“What is impossible with men, is possible with God”

(Luke 18:27)

Introduction: Is the kingdom of God really all that elusive?  Luke’s Gospel affirms this elusive aspect of the Kingdom of God with at least 10 markers.

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Conclusion: Professor Allen Bloom has astutely remarked, “the self has become the modern substitute for the soul” Quoted in David Brock, “A Philosopher Hurls Down a Stinging Moral Gauntlet,” Insight (May, 11, 1987), 12.

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