The Thessalonian Letters Series…The Thanksgiving: Applications
“We ought always to give thanks to God for you brothers, as
is right, because…”
(2 Thessalonians 1:3)
Introduction: This lesson will focus on 2 Thessalonians 1:3-7. The thanksgiving will define what’s right (operational definition).
I. Reasons for giving thanks to God
A. “as is right” (axion, v. 3) –
1. because…____________________________ v. 3
2. because…____________________________ v. 3
3. because…______________ and _________ v. 4
B. Note the two environmental descriptions in which the Thessalonians lived out their beliefs (v. 4)
1. “in” ____________________ ,and
2. “in” _______________________.
II. What is this “righteous judgment” (vv. 5-7)?
A. v. 5 – your part: _________________________
B. v. 6 – God’s part: ________________________
C. v. 7 – the Lord Jesus’ part: _________________
Conclusion: While the creeps creep on in our own world, rest assured, this will be dealt with one day. Our business, as was theirs, is to show steadfastness and faith. How are you doing?