Why Jesus Spoke in Parables
[Taken from the Gospel According to Matthew]
“This is why I speak to them in parables…”
(Matthew 13:13)
Inrtroduction: In today’s lesson, we shall give seven reasons why Jesus spoke in parables. See Matthew 13:1-17 (especially note v. 3).
1.     13:10 To create _________________.
2.    13:11 To disclose content ______________about the Kingdom of God.
3.    13:13 To _____________ with a stylistic Hebrew unit known as the
4.     13:14-16 To distinguish his _______________.
5.     13:19 To place moral responsibility on the __________________, not the nation.
6.     13:34-35 To fulfill ______________________.
7.     13:53-54 To be _________________________.
Conclusion: These parables of Jesus continue to be baffling and enigmatic to the casual and complacent. They have been coded for a purpose. Do you see?