A Word to Our Contributors
We would like to begin this post with a word of thanks to our supporters. We have been so blessed by so many contributors; and, then, there is this unusually liberal anonymous contributor of late. We are both stunned and grateful! Our posture has been that of Psalm 25:1-2, “To you O Lord, I lift up my soul. O my God in you I trust.” And, then, you showed up (in his name)!
We want to make several things clear in this post: First, we would not be leaving this August 23rd without your timely donations. We were told when we entered this missionary venture that, “All missionaries are fund-raisers.” That has become more and more evident. We would also like to say, secondly, that the monies generated in the cause of Christ to the country of Italy will be used by us to comply with the great commission (Matthew 28:18-20). In other words, as we have spelled out before, we are doing this in conjunction with the formal invitation of the Via del Bollo chiesa di Cristo. The anticipation and participation of this moment in time by the church in Milan has also been a great part of the spiritual impetus for us to continue with this mission; despite back surgery; linguistic barriers; and dozens of other matters. How do we feel about our supporters? Well, Bob and Marla want to thank you for your kind and timely gifts. In the Italian biblical text it is
written: “Benedetto colui che viene nel nome del Signore”/ Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord” (Ps. 118:26). We go together now to commence this work in Milan, Italy.