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Are All Beliefs and Churches Equally Valid and Scriptural?

September 9th, 2007

“…for the ways of the LORD are right…”

(Hosea 14:9)

Abraham’s servant bowed his head worshipfully and said—“…blessed be the LORD, the God of my master Abraham, who had led me by the right way…” (Genesis 24:48). Later, Moses, himself, would articulate a theology of the right way:

A. The right way is not based upon personally drawn conclusions (Deut. 12:8; 13:1-5; 18:19-22).

B. The right way is grounded in obedience to the documented word of the Lord (Bible) (Deut. 12:28; Ps. 33:4).

C. The right way is known through the commandments (mitvah) (Deut. 13:18).

The Major Post-Modern Assumptions Deserving Biblical Refutation:

1. All religions, churches, and philosophical systems are equally valid (Prov. 12:15; Matt. 15:9,13).
2. God is a purely arbitrary choice on the behalf of the individual (Prov. 16:25).
3. There is no historical/factual basis for Christianity (Lk. 3:1-2; Acts 26:26).
4. Human experience is the ultimate factor in determining truth (Deut. 12;8; Prov. 21:2).
5. There is no room for an exclusive approach to truth (Jn. 14:6; Deut. 12:29-32; Jude 3; Acts 13:10; 2 Pet. 2:15).
6. Sin is merely an outdated view of environmental and social injustices (1 Jn. 1:8).
7. Ultimate issues (origin of the universe; human meaning; salvation; etc.) have little or no bearing on the real world (Heb. 11:3,6).

– Robert Housby